Korowai Tree Houses
The Korowai is one of the missing Papuan tribe. Living in high tree houses is a lifestyle that this tribe never changed even though modernization was all around.

They live in the big Papua rain forest, the swamps, and the big Sagu tree area. Traditional food are Sagu and Sagu worms. Daily life activities are hunting, fishing, and gardening. It’s an unique experience to meet this tribe and to have the opportunity to work with them and build a tree house, it only takes 2 days.

There are some activities that you can join with the local people’s of Korowai.

Pangkur sagu

Traditional harvesting and processing of sago from the sago palm. Sago is Papua’s traditional staple food. It is made of the pith of the Sago tree and contains a lot of starch.

During this tour you will cut down one of the sago trees, ground the pith to a powder and sieve it through a cloth to release the starch. The water with the starch passes into a trough where the starch settles and after a while it will be used for cooking.

sieve sago papua travel guide
sieve sago pith

Korowai tree houses

The Korowai are known for living in tree houses. Climb up the tree and see how these houses are built

Korowai tree house Papua
Korowai tree house

Sago worm

When harvesting a sago palm, the Korowai people look forward to find some sago worms as well. They are a delicacy and high in protein. We wil learn from Korowai people to cut in half the sago worm.

Sago worm
Sago worm

Timba kali

The Korowai are used to fish by making a dam in the river in order for them to catch the fish by hand. This is called Timba kali (scoop the fish out by hand).


Learn how to make a traditional fish trap made of sago leaves. They make a little basket from the leaves.

Cari Makanan

The Korowai are hunter-gatherers. They hunt on birds, lizards, cassowary, pigs or other animals. During this trip you will go into the forest with the Korowai and learn how they hunt. Something you will never experience back home.

All the activity can do it at the one village we want to visit for. We can spend 3 days for the activities.